KAIST Lab Tours

KAIST Lab Tours

Friday 1 November, 5 pm – 6 pm

Robot Intelligence Technology Laboratory
Director: Professor Jong-Hwan Kim

Robot Intelligence Technology (RIT) laboratory was founded in 1988. The laboratory has been involved in research on “the study of intelligence technology through six categories of robot intelligence – cognitive intelligence, social intelligence, behavioral intelligence, ambient intelligence, collective intelligence and genetic intelligence – and its applications for realization of Robots That Think (RTT).” The origin of artificial species, artificial creatures Rity and DD, genetic robot GeneBot, ubiquitous robot UbiBot, humanoid robot HanSaRam, robotic fish Fibo, soccer robot, personal robot Mybot, etc. are the brain children of RIT laboratory. For more details, visit the website.

Humanoid Robot Research Center
Director: Professor Jun Ho Oh

The Humanoid Robot Research Center, known for Hubo Lab is the world’s best robotics teams competing in the 2015 U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Challenge Finals. The Center has the top robotic system technology by applying comprehensive control technologies to robots. It has developed numberous robots and mobile platform; DRC-HUBO, HUBO-ARM, HUBO-HAND, HUBO-Q(fast mobile platform), sensors, motor drivers, and real-time controllers, and HUBO2 (a globally known biped robot platform). For more details, visit the website.